Thoughts on dressing "age appropriate" in midlife


Is this too young? 

If you in your 40’s, 50’s or 60's, you might have asked yourself this question at some point when you were trying something on.

I certainly have. 

The truth is I’ve always thought I dressed a little young. I think it has to do with the fact that I’m 5’2” and a size medium so I often shy-ed away from things that made me feel matronly,  but I digress…

So, what about you? I’m really interested in what happened after you asked yourself that question.

Did you decide it was too young and change into something else?  Did you think to yourself, I don’t really care and wear it anyway?

I’ve thought about this a lot. And I guess what I’m asking is… who’s to say what’s too young and more importantly, does it even matter? 

Can you wear shorts if you are over fifty? What about a silk slip dress if you are in your seventies? How about puff sleeves, ruffles, cut outs, graphic tees and dresses above your knee? 

Now think about this… what happens when you see someone else wearing something so called “young,”  what do you think?

I’ve heard it so many times before… “she can wear that because she’s got great legs” or “she’s thin… she can wear that, but I can’t pull that off.” 

Do you know why she can pull something off? 

Because she’s confident in her decision to wear it. 

So if you find yourself asking the question “is this too young?” consider asking yourself “do I feel really good in this?” and “do I really want to wear this?” 

One of the beautiful things about getting older is you are more in tune to what you really want to wear. So when in doubt…. focus on what feels good, what makes you feel beautiful and like you… no matter what your age.  

xo, Laura 

Laura P Barker