How an edit helps tell the story of who you are today


As a content producer, I’ve spent decades working with writers, editors, and designers telling stories through film and video.   

I’ve learned that the best stories are told by getting rid of everything that is not necessary.  If there’s too much going on, what you are trying to say gets muddled and lacks clarity. 

So what do you do? 

You continue to edit, and edit, and then keep editing until you get down to just the essentials that tell that unique story clearly and beautifully.

It occurred to me that when it comes to your closet and your personal style, it’s really no different. But this time, the story is you.  

Your closet is full of clothes that speak volumes of who you are. So, when it’s jam packed and cluttered with pieces from your past that you don’t wear, pieces that no longer fit or feel you like you, it’s no surprise you can feel like you are in a style rut or need a whole new wardrobe.

When you edit and let go of of what no longer works, you start to SEE your visual story, your unique style. The individual pieces, the colors, the fabrics, the details you love…all becomes clear. 

Take a moment and look inside your closet.  What do you see?

Do your clothes tell the story of who you are today? If they don’t, are you ready to do some editing so they do?

I know letting go of things can be hard, especially when you try to do it on your own.  I’m here to help, just reach out here.  

xo, Laura

Laura P Barker