When to let something go in your closet


Does this sound familiar?  You go to get dressed and you skip over a bunch of pieces and go right for your favorites. 

So, why are you holding onto those pieces you skip over? :)

I talk about this a lot. You’ve evolved. Some things that used to work may not work for you now.  Maybe they don’t fit the same or they don’t quite align with who you’ve become. 

And let’s face it, some things are easy to part with, but some are trickier. You still like them, but don’t wear them or you don’t know if you ever will. And sometimes it’s not so easy to know what to let go of and what to keep, especially with all the emotions attached to clothes you’ve invested in. And when it’s your own things, it’s even harder.

So without me being in your closet with you, I wanted to share some questions to ask yourself when you get stuck. These are the same questions I ask myself when I’m curating my closet each season.

So, let’s dig in…

Did you get a lot of use out of it?

Let’s start with an easy one. Have you worn it for years and simply are just tired of it?  If you loved it and got lots of use out of it, sell it or donate it and let someone else wear and love it. 

Would you buy it new today?

Would you buy the exact piece today or would you buy a different version or maybe something totally different?

Here’s a little story about my blazer collection. I have a small collection from almost fifteen years ago. I don’t wear them often, but I do wear them.  If I’m totally honest, there’s one I would not buy new today.  It’s a Zadig and Voltaire cotton blazer with patches. But here’s the thing. It doesn’t have any stretch. And since Covid, stretch in a blazer is really important to me. And I know I wouldn’t buy a jacket with patches today either.  Just not quite me anymore.  It’s time to let it go.

Do you have a better version? 

It’s totally normal to gravitate to the same kind of things again and again. But when you notice you always reach for your favorite one… your favorite jeans, tops, sweaters, work out pants, it’s time to ask yourself… “Do I actually need… and more importantly, love all these backups?” Why are you holding onto them if they aren’t as good as your favorites?  

“It’s for when I…” or “Every woman should have…” 

Do you have a piece that you bought thinking it would be perfect for that place or event? Or when you felt like you needed something a little “different”? But the reality is you don’t wear it because every time you put it on, it just feels off. 

Or maybe it’s something you bought because you once heard that it was a smart piece that every women should have in their wardrobe, but it’s just not what you really want to wear and it’s not you.

Another personal side story… I don’t like black pants. I don’t wear black pants and I really don’t need black pants.  If I’m going to get dressed up, I’m wearing a dress or dark jeans with beautiful shoes and a beautiful blouse. You get the point. :)

It’s time to let go of the pieces that don’t feel like you. 

What if it doesn’t fit?  

I’m a firm believer that you should only have pieces that fit you right now in your closet. There’s nothing more depressing than looking at clothes that don’t fit making you feel bad for no good reason. But what about those pieces you love and are just a little snug?  Should you let go of them or hold onto them? I admit I have a few pieces like that. And I ask myself what is realistic. If you love the piece and would buy it new today, put it in a separate closet and revisit next season.

What if I only wear it a couple times a year?

If you wear it once or twice a year, like a special bag or coat or special occasion piece, it fits and you love it and wear it... keep it.  

Can you style it in new ways?

Sometimes you can overlook something that might feel underwhelming, basic or on the other hand too bold or tricky to style. Well, do you actually like it? Does it fit well? Do you feel good in it?

Have little try on session to try paring it in different ways. If it’s a basic, layer it and add some elevated finishing pieces like a blazer or dressy bag.  If it’s a statement piece, tone it down with denim. 

Just remember, when you let go of what no longer works for you, you end up with a closet full of clothes that you love to wear.  Let me say that again.  A closet full of clothes that you love to wear. This is the heart of curation.
